|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 ZHOU Xihua,WANG Yanmei,WANG Cheng,et al.Experimental study on inhibition performance of composite inhibitor[J].JOURNAL OF SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2025,21(1):72-78.[doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2025.01.009]





Experimental study on inhibition performance of composite inhibitor
(1.辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程学院,辽宁 葫芦岛 125105;
2.辽宁工程技术大学 矿山热动力灾害与防治教育部重点实验室,辽宁 葫芦岛 125105;
3.辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程学院,辽宁 阜新 123000)
ZHOU Xihua WANG Yanmei WANG Cheng BAI Gang DAI Fengwei LI Shilin
(1.College of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Huludao Liaoning 125105,China;
2.Key Laboratory of Mine Thermodynamic Disasters and Control of Ministry of Education,Liaoning Technical University,Huludao Liaoning 125105,China;
3.College of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin Liaoning 123000,China)
spontaneous coal combustion nano magnesium hydroxide inhibition performance Fourier infrared thermogravimetric (TG) analysis
为研究复合阻化剂阻化性能,基于煤自燃热失重过程中的特征温度和吸放热量以及官能团变化规律开展热重和傅里叶红外光谱相关实验,选用神东补连塔矿22406工作面的煤样作为研究对象,研究在不同剂量下复合阻化剂对煤自燃过程中的TG、DTG、DSC以及官能团含量等变化特征。加入不同剂量的复合阻化剂分析煤自燃氧化过程中微观结构以及宏观放热特性。研究结果表明:复合阻化剂通过抑制煤低温氧化过程中关键活性基团的相对含量,延缓煤炭低温氧化进程,当含有0.1 mL KH560的复合阻化剂添加量为14 mL时,阻化效果最明显,其对2种活性基团的抑制程度为:含氧官能团(85.2%)>脂肪烃(84.8%)。在快速放热阶段,由于阻燃分子占据煤分子中的吸附位点,煤对复合阻化剂分子的吸附能力较大,对煤氧复合反应进程起到抑制作用,从而降低了放热效应;同时含量为14 mL(含0.1 mL KH560)阻化剂显著影响煤氧复合进程活化能的大小,放热量由3 309 mW/mg降为2 889 mW/mg,吸热量由21 mW/mg升为163 mW/mg。研究结果可为防治煤自燃致灾事故的理论研究提供参考。
In order to study the inhibition performance of composite inhibitors,the thermogravimetric (TG) and Fourier infrared spectroscopy experiments were carried out based on the characteristic temperature,heat absorption and desorption,and the change law of functional groups during the thermal weight loss process of coal spontaneous combustion.The coal samples from the 22406 working face of Shendong Bulianta Mine were selected as the research object,and the variation characteristics of TG,DTG,DSC and functional group content in the process of coal spontaneous combustion under different doses of composite inhibitors were studied.The microstructure and macroscopic exothermic characteristics of coal spontaneous combustion oxidation process were analyzed by adding different doses of composite inhibitors.The results show that the composite inhibitor delays the low temperature oxidation process of coal by inhibiting the relative content of key active groups in the low temperature oxidation process of coal.When the addition amount of composite inhibitor containing 0.1 mL KH560 is 14 mL,the inhibition effect is the most obvious,and its inhibition degree on two active groups is: oxygen-containing functional groups (85.2%) > aliphatic hydrocarbons (84.8%).In the rapid exothermic stage,due to the occupation of adsorption sites by flame retardant molecules in coal molecules,coal has the greater adsorption capacity for composite inhibitor molecules,which inhibits the process of coal oxygen composite reaction,and thus reduces the exothermic effect.Meanwhile,the inhibitor with the content of 14 mL (containing 0.1 mL KH560) significantly affects the activation energy of the coal oxygen composite process,reducing the heat release from 3 309 mW/mg to 2 889 mW/mg,and increasing the heat absorption from 21 mW/mg to 163 mW/mg.The research results can provide reference for the theoretical research on the prevention and control of coal spontaneous combustion accidents.


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收稿日期: 2024-08-28
* 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(52274204)
作者简介: 周西华,博士,教授,主要研究方向为矿井火灾防治、瓦斯防治、高温热害防治。
通信作者: 王艳美,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为矿井火灾防治。
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-01-26