|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 ZHENG Xuezhao,MOU Haowei,CAI Guobin,et al.Current research status and development trends of intelligent rescue demolition technology and equipment[J].JOURNAL OF SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2025,21(1):211-218.[doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2025.01.027]





Current research status and development trends of intelligent rescue demolition technology and equipment
(1.西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安710054;
2.国家矿山救援西安研究中心,陕西 西安 710054;
3.陕西西矿智通科技有限公司,陕西 西安 710086;
4.湖南兵器光电科技有限公司,湖南 长沙 410153;
5.天津凯普林光电科技有限公司,天津 300201)
ZHENG Xuezhao MOU Haowei CAI Guobin LI Wenyu DUAN Yunfeng ZHOU Bo LIU Shengkai
(1.College of Safety Science and Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an Shaanxi 710054,China;
2.Xi’an Research Center of National Mine Rescue,Xi’an Shaanxi 710054,China;
3.Shaanxi Xikuang Zhitong Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an Shaanxi 710086,China;
4.Hunan Weapon Optoelectronic Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changsha Hunan 410153,China;
5.BWT Tianjin Ltd.,Tianjin 300201,China)
emergency rescue demolition equipment intelligent control self-decision remote control
To enhance the efficiency of emergency rescue,the current research status,advantages and limitations of contact and non-contact emergency rescue demolition equipment were analyzed,and the main deficiencies within the field of rescue and the future prospect were discussed.The results show that the existing equipment has the problems such as low intelligence,poor reliability,insufficient adaptability to extreme rescue environment,and excessive volume or weight.The future equipment should focus on the accurate perception of extreme environment and independent decision-making of equipment.The safety performance of equipment should focus on the reliability of communication system,the stability of key protection and control system.The equipment structure should focus on lightweight,miniaturization and efficient integration.The research results can provide reference for the design of efficient and intelligent rescue equipment.


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收稿日期: 2024-07-29
* 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFC3010905);国家自然科学基金项目(52174197);陕西省科协青年人才托举计划项目(20240205)
作者简介: 郑学召,博士,教授,主要研究方向为应急技术与管理、城市安全管理。
通信作者: 牟浩伟,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为应急技术与管理。
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-01-26