|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 MA Jian,WANG Xiang,SHI Congling,et al.Independent research and application of crowd evacuation simulation software system in China:taking Pedynamics as an example[J].JOURNAL OF SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024,20(5):146-154.[doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2024.05.020]





Independent research and application of crowd evacuation simulation software system in China:taking Pedynamics as an example
(1.西南交通大学 交通运输与物流学院,四川 成都 610031;
2.中国安全生产科学研究院,北京 100012;
3.西南交通大学 地球科学与环境工程学院,四川 成都 610031;
4.中国科学技术大学深圳研究院,广东 深圳 518057;
5.成都师范学院 室内空间布局优化与安全保障四川省高校重点实验室,四川 成都 611130)
MA Jian WANG Xiang SHI Congling CHEN Juan XIAO Xiukun LI Huiwen HU Jun
1.School of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest Jiaotong University;
2.China Academy of Safety Science and Technology;
3.Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University ;
4.Shenzhen Institute of University of Science and Technology of China;
5.Key Laboratory of Interior Layout Optimization and Security,Institutions of Higher Education of Sichuan Province,Chengdu Normal University
crowd evacuation path selection micro motion subway station
To more accurately analyze and assess the requirements of personnel evacuation during the emergencies in public places,a new generation crowd evacuation simulation software called Pedynamics was independently developed.Taking a subway scenario as an example,the comparative analysis of Pedynamics and commercial software Pathfinder and AnyLgoic for simulating the evacuation process of subway station under different passenger flow was conducted,and the discussion was carried out to put forward the measures for improving the crowd evacuation efficiency.The results show that Pedynamics adopts a architecture with the separation between the front-end and back-end for modular development,which makes it easy to upgrade and maintain.The crowd evacuation calculation model adopted in the back-end combines the research findings related to crowd evacuation dynamics,particularly focusing on boundedly rational path selection behavior of individuals,and it can truly reflects the pedestrians’ evacuation behavioral characteristics.The scene preprocessing interface in the front-end of software can help the users to quickly construct the evacuation scenes based on blueprints.Additionally,the visualization and data statistics modules allow the multi-angle viewing of simulation results and evacuation data,thus enhancing the efficiency of engineering applications.The research results can provide technical support for the risk assessment of crowd evacuation.


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收稿日期: 2023-10-18
* 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3005205);国家自然科学基金项目(72104205,71871189,51978089)
作者简介: 马剑,博士,教授,主要研究方向为行人与疏散动力学、火灾安全。
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-05-30