|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 GAO Baobin,ZHU Wenjie,REN Chuangnan,et al.Study on influence of gas baffle on propagation law of explosion shock wave in gas cabin of unity tunnel[J].JOURNAL OF SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,18(3):87-92.[doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2022.03.013]





Study on influence of gas baffle on propagation law of explosion shock wave in gas cabin of unity tunnel
(1.煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心,河南 焦作 454000;
2.山西省资源环境与灾害监测重点实验室,山西 太原 030000;
3.河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000)
GAO BaobinZHU WenjieREN ChuangnanLIU Yanwei
(1.State Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean-efficiency Utilization,Jiaozuo Henan 454000,China;
2.Key Laboratory of Resources,Environment and Disaster Monitoring of Shanxi Province,Taiyuan Shanxi 030000,China;
3.School o
utility tunnel gas baffle gas explosion shock wave propagation
为研究挡气板对综合管廊燃气舱爆炸冲击波传播影响规律,采用Fluent模拟软件,研究三维燃气舱模型中不同挡气板间距下燃气爆炸后超压变化规律,探究不同间距挡气板对抑制燃气舱内爆炸冲击波传播效果。结果表明:挡气板对燃气舱中部超压影响较小,对顶部超压变化影响较大,导致燃气舱顶部挡气板处超压峰值激增;当气体填充区长20 m,挡气板间距30~70 m时,随挡气板间距减小,爆炸过程中燃气舱顶部挡气板处超压峰值越大;挡气板有一定阻隔冲击波传播作用,其燃气舱顶部与中部190 m处测点首次与二次超压峰值均小于未安装挡气板工况,且超压峰值随挡气板间距减小而减小,对抑制冲击波在燃气舱中二次反射传播效果较明显。
To study the propagation law of explosion shock wave in the gas cabin of unity tunnel under the condition with the installation of gas baffle,the Fluent simulation software was used to study the change law of gas explosion overpressure in the three-dimensional model of gas cabin under different spacing of gas baffle,and explore the inhibition effect of gas baffle with different spacing on the propagation of explosion shock wave in the gas cabin.The results showed that the gas baffle had less influence on the overpressure at the middle of gas cabin,but had greater influence on the overpressure at the top,which caused the sharp increase in peak overpressure of gas baffle at the top of gas cabin.When the length of gas filling area was 20 m and the spacing of gas baffle was 30 m~70 m,the smaller the spacing of gas baffle,the larger the peak overpressure of gas baffle at the top of gas cabin during the explosion process.The gas baffle played a certain role in blocking the propagation of shock wave.The first and second peak overpressures of the measuring points with the distance of 190 m at the top and middle of gas cabin were both smaller than that under the condition without the gas baffle,and the peak overpressure decreased with the decrease in the spacing of gas baffle,so the effect of inhibiting the secondary reflection propagation of shock wave in the gas cabin was obvious.


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收稿日期: 2021-06-15
* 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金委-山西省煤基低碳联合基金国家重点项目(U1810203);2021年度河南省科技攻关计划项目(212102310013)
作者简介: 高保彬,博士,教授,主要研究方向为矿山及地下工程安全、采动损害与结构防护。
通信作者: 朱文杰,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为地下空间安全防护、综合管廊灾害演化数值模拟。
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-04-18