|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 ZHONG Wei,LIU Lei,GUO Chaojie,et al.Experimental study on effect of water mist curtain on suppression of ceiling jet flame in long and narrow space buildings[J].JOURNAL OF SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,18(9):167-173.[doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673-193x.2022.09.024]





Experimental study on effect of water mist curtain on suppression of ceiling jet flame in long and narrow space buildings
(郑州大学 力学与安全工程学院,河南 郑州 450001)
ZHONG Wei LIU Lei GUO Chaojie LIANG Tianshui
(School of Mechanics & Safety Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan 450001,China)
water mist curtain ceiling jet flame working pressure heat insulation efficiency
为研究狭长空间内细水雾幕对顶棚射流火焰的抑制效果,通过全尺寸试验研究不同工作压力对射流火焰蔓延形态、雾幕隔热效果及烟气沉降的影响。研究结果表明:随着工作压力的增加,雾滴的动量随之增大,雾幕对射流火焰的扰动作用增强,强化雾幕对射流火焰的阻挡效果;同时,雾幕的隔热效率有明显改善,2.5 MPa时的细水雾幕的隔热效率可达0.75。然而,过大的工作压力会造成烟气层的沉降,工作压力大于2.0 MPa时保护区内烟气层高度低于1.8 m。因此,应综合考虑细水雾幕对射流火焰和烟气的作用,选择适当的工作压力。
In order to study the effect of water mist curtain (WMC) on the suppression of ceiling jet flame in the narrow and long space,the influence of different working pressures on the spreading pattern of jet flame,heat insulation effect of mist curtain and smoke deposition was investigated by the full-scale experiments.The results showed that as the working pressure increased,the momentum of droplets increased and the disturbance effect of the mist curtain on the jet flame was enhanced,which strengthened the blocking effect of mist curtain on the jet flame.At the same time,the heat insulation efficiency of the mist curtain improved significantly,and the heat insulation efficiency of WMC at 2.5 MPa could reach 0.75.However,the excessive working pressure would also cause the deposition of smoke layer,and when the working pressure was greater than 2.0 MPa,the height of smoke layer in the protection area was less than 1.8 m.Therefore,the effect of WMC on the jet flame and smoke should be comprehensively considered,and the appropriate working pressure should be selected.


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收稿日期: 2022-04-26
* 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51874258)
作者简介: 钟委,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为地下空间火灾防控、火灾蔓延动力学。
通信作者: 梁天水,博士,教授,主要研究方向为地下空间火灾防治。
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-10-14